Home > Metalweb Ltd > metalweb helps Supersonic Car stay on the right track

metalweb helps Supersonic Car stay on the right track

Metalweb Ltd News and PR from Metalweb Ltd - Published 03 March 2014 metalweb is providing its engineering expertise to back the Bloodhound Supersonic Car (“SSC”) land speed record attempt in South Africa, 2015
metalweb has provided the aluminium for the bespoke wheels to be used on the vehicle capable of reaching 1000mph. The aluminium road wheels, comprised of a solid aluminium disc and a separate dust cover, were completed in October 2012 ready for a number of runway trials in the lead up to the desert record attempt.

Colin Ord, National Business Development Manager at metalweb said:

“This has been a great project to work on. From design to development, every step has been incredibly rewarding. Our team researched a range of resources over several months, to find a material that gave the wheels the best chance of surviving. We hope our involvement with the rocket powered vehicle will showcase how extraordinary engineering can be, and as a result, inspire a new generation of engineers.”

The wheels will be tested on Newquay airport runway in summer 2015, with the dust covers to be used in the record attempt in 2015.
This has been a great project to work on. From design to development, every step has been incredibly rewarding

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