Assetsure Insurance

Bicycle Insurance Policy by Assetsure Insurance

Assetsure 3rd Floor Peek House, 20 Eastcheap

  • Single Item Jewellery insurance
  • Insurance for Engagement Rings
  • Watch Insurance
  • UK Services
    Experienced Staff
    Nationwide Service
    Expert Services

    Assetsure Insurance

    At Assetsure we offer a range of specialist insurance policies to cover valuable items that for a variety of reasons, a person may not be able to have covered under a more traditional form of policy such as a home insurance. We quote for single or multiple items. Policies are flexible and you can add additional items throughout the term of the policy.

    We are members of the British Insurance Brokers Association. Some of the insurance covers we can arrange are listed below.

    Bicycle Insurance
    We have designed our Cycle insurance policy to cover cycles that may be too valuable to add to a home insurance policy. Standard cover includes; accidental damage and theft and we include an allowance for accessories such as helmets and clothing and a hire cycle if needed following a claim.

    We offer optional extra cover for bicycles that the enthusiast may require such as personal accident, public liability and competition use. We can cover a single bicycle or up to ten on one policy. Monthly payments available if required. We settle claims �In-house� which can help get you back on the road quicker

    Electric Bike Insurance
    With electric bikes fast growing in popularity now is a great time to get your electric bike insurance.
    We cover electric bikes that satisfy the government rules and regulation on EAPCs (electrically assisted pedal cycles. We are unable to cover electric cycles that do not satisfy these rules. Please check, before you ask us for cover.

    Our E-Bike insurance cover can over:

    � - Accidental damage, malicious damage, theft (including bike battery) - up to �12,500.
    � - Public liability insurance (optional) - covering yourself to a sum of �2,000,000.
    � - Clothing, helmets and accessories cover - Can be increased if required.
    � - Need to claim against a third party for damages? Automatic legal cover included.

    Jewellery Insurance
    We arrange insurance for valuable items of jewellery such as; engagement rings, bracelets, pendants and earrings. We can cover single items of high value and the policy provides Worldwide "All-Risks" with no excess in the event of a loss. We can also insure watches such as Rolex, Omega, IWC or Breitling. Customers can choose to insure a single item of jewellery or a collection of items.

    Many jewellery insurance quotations are now available to quote and buy online via our website.

    Insurance for Collectables
    We are known in the UK as a nation of collectors, whether it be: coins, stamps, medals, toys, books, military items, antiques or whatever. It seems once the bug takes hold, collections take on a life of their own and often grow to quite a size. This can create problems in obtaining insurance especially if the value of the collection is out of proportion with the rest of the home contents. We offer a specialist policy for collectable items on an "All Risks" basis which includes accidental damage and loss and some covers which are not available under most standard home insurances; such as "Pairs & Sets" and "Defective Title", whatever the collection, we will do our best to obtain insurance cover to protect it.

    Fine Art Insurance
    We arrange insurance for paintings & prints, and will consider any item of artistic merit such as sculptures or objects d'art. We can insure a single item such as a painting and provide accidental damage, theft and loss covers. A range of specialist covers are also included such as "Death of the Artist" "Pairs & Sets" and "Defective Title" Insurance.

    Hearing Aid Insurance
    We can arrange a specialist policy to cover Hearing Aid Devices against loss or damage. The cover is very wide (All-Risks) and there are few exclusions.

    Other Insurance Types
    We also have departments that can quote for home buildings and contents;.

    Opening Hours

    Monday 08:30 to 19:00
    Tuesday 08:30 to 19:00
    Wednesday 08:30 to 19:00
    Thursday 08:30 to 19:00
    Friday 08:30 to 19:00
    Saturday 10:00 to 14:00
    Sunday Closed

    Accepted Payment Methods

    Visa Debit
    Direct Debit
    Postal Orders
    Key Personnel
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    Products and Services

    1. Antique Insurance
    2. Barn Conversion Insurance
    3. Bicycle Insurance
    4. Blocks Of Flats Insurance
    5. Building Contents Insurance
    6. Building Insurance
    7. Building Insurance Quotes
    8. Buildings Contents Insurance
    9. Business Building Insurance
    10. Business Insurance
    11. Business Insurance Brokers
    12. Business Insurance Online
    13. Business Insurance Quotes
    14. Business Insurance Services
    15. Business Liability Insurance
    16. Business Property Insurance
    17. Buy To Let Insurance
    18. Camera Insurance
    19. Charms Insurance
    20. Classic Motor Insurance
    21. Coin Insurance
    22. Commercial Building Insurance
    23. Commercial Building Insurance Quote
    24. Commercial Buildings Insurance
    25. Commercial Business Insurance
    26. Commercial Combined Insurance
    27. Commercial Factory Insurance
    28. Commercial Home Insurance
    29. Commercial Insurance
    30. Commercial Insurance Brokers
    31. Commercial Insurance Companies
    32. Commercial Insurance Property
    33. Commercial Insurance Quote
    34. Commercial Landlord Insurance
    35. Commercial Office Insurance
    36. Commercial Premises Insurance
    37. Commercial Property Insurance
    38. Commercial Property Insurance Quote
    39. Commercial Small Business Insurance
    40. Compare Business Insurance
    41. Contents Insurance
    42. Diamond Ring Insurance
    43. Earrings Insurance
    44. Empty Property
    45. Engagement Ring Insurance
    46. Expatriate Home Insurance
    47. Fine Art Insurance
    48. Handbag Insurance
    49. Hearing Aid Insurance
    50. Hearing Aid Types
    51. High Net Worth Home Insurance
    52. High Value Jewellery Insurance
    53. HMO Insurance
    54. Holiday Home Insurance
    55. Home Builders Insurance
    56. Home Business Insurance
    57. Home Insurance
    58. Hotel Insurance
    59. House Building Insurance
    60. Insurance
    61. Insurance Agent
    62. Insurance Broker
    63. Insurance Brokers
    64. Insurance Commercial And Business
    65. Insurance For Valuable Single Items
    66. Jewellery Insurance
    67. Listed Building Insurance
    68. Lodger Insurance
    69. Log Cabin Insurance
    70. Musical Instrument Insurance
    71. Online Business Insurance
    72. Owner Liabilities
    73. Park Home Insurance
    74. Pedal Cycle Insurance
    75. Pendant Insurance
    76. Precious Stones Insurance
    77. Property Insurance
    78. Rebuilding Cost
    79. Restaurant Insurance
    80. Retail Insurance
    81. Retail Shop Insurance
    82. Ring Insurance
    83. Rolex Insurance
    84. Safe Deposit Box Insurance
    85. Second Home Insurance
    86. Stamp Collection Insurance
    87. Static Caravan Insurance
    88. Tenement Blocks Insurance
    89. Tennis Club Insurance
    90. Thatched House Insurance
    91. Timber House Insurance
    92. Underpinned Building Insurance
    93. Unoccupied Commercial Property Insurance
    94. Watch Insurance
    95. Wedding Insurance
    96. Wedding Ring Insurance
    97. Wine Insurance

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