First Asset Finance has operated for over 40 years in the leasing and finance industry. In this time the company has provided in excess of £1 billion of funding, across a variety of industries and asset types. FAF's financing professionals are here to discuss the various funding options available. FAF provides you with a choice of options so you can make an informed decision.
First Asset Finance Plc020 3923 6384
Capital Tower, 91 Waterloo Road
SE1 8RT 5
Veolia , First Asset Finance plc
Over 20 years, Veolia has procured one of the UK’s largest fleet of leased commercial vehicles. Throughout that time, we have used the services of First Asset Finance plc to assist in managing all aspects of our leasing programme, from lease inception to termination. The team at First Asset Finance plc have helped to deliver flexible funding solutions throughout the economic cycles and their personable, efficient and knowledgeable approach is respected throughout our group. The team is not seen as one of being a supplier; they are seen as trusted partners.