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Control the number of people in your stores and offices

record uk ltd News and PR from record uk ltd - Published 26 May 2020 The record FlowControl is an automatic people counting system, which controls the number of customers entering your premises and employees using shared areas, to enable safe social distancing.
Designed in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the record FlowControl is a cost-effective system which is ideal for use in retail stores, public buildings, offices & factories, education facilities, banks, healthcare and hospitality and leisure (once opened) to aid social distancing.

Completely automated, the " traffic light system" reliably counts all people in both directions in and out. Once the pre-defined people count is reached, the entry door is automatically deactivated to prevent further access until someone exits the building or shared areas.

Suitable for use on all manufacturers automatic doors, this user-friendly system alleviates the need for employees to man the doors, enabling them to be re-deployed to other areas. The system can be easily adjustable to suit peak/off-peak hours and working patterns can be installed within 2-4 hours, causing minimal disruption to businesses.

With social distancing set to continue for the foreseeable future, the record FlowControl is a valuable system for any building that has to limit the number of people inside.

For further information please call 01698 376411 or visit https://www.recorduk.co.uk/en/product/2859/record-flowcontrol-counting-solution-with-door-interaction
controls the number of customers entering your premises and employees using shared areas, to enable safe social distancing

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